#!/usr/bin/env python
# =======================================================================
# File Name : jpg2rst.py
# Creation Time : 20130629 23:45:54
# Last Modified : 20130717 09:57:01
# =======================================================================
# Copyright (c),2012-, Po-Jen Hsu. Contact: clusterga@gmail.com
# This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
# See the README file in the top-level directory.
# =======================================================================
def main():
''' Resize and sharpen jpg files. Then, generate the codes with figures to an rst file'''
import file_tools as file_mod
import rst_tools as rst_mod
import fig_tools as fig_mod
import os, subprocess
# Determine the fig_path for figures within the inner sub-directories
root_dir = 'arch_2013'
file_dir = 'files'
sub_dir_path = os.getcwd()[os.getcwd().find(file_dir)+len(file_dir.strip('/'))+1:]
sub_dir_num = len(sub_dir_path.split('/'))
fig_path = sub_dir_num*'../'+root_dir.strip('/')+'/'+sub_dir_path
resolution_opt=raw_input("Please input the maximal resolution of height and width (ex: 640, or none to skip resize procedure):\n")
recursive_opt = 'n'
for file_name in os.listdir('.'):
if os.path.isdir(file_name) and file_name != resolution_opt: # Avoid duplicating resized figures
recursive_opt=raw_input("Would you like to apply to all the subdirectories (y/n)?\n")
fig_path_opt=raw_input("Use the default path: "+fig_path+" (y/n)?\n")
if fig_path_opt == 'n':
fig_path=raw_input("Please input the path of figures (ex: ../gallaries/):\n")
if fig_path[-1] != '/':
fig_path = "".join([fig_path,'/'])
# fig_mod.log(log_file='fig_list.log',jpg_list=file_list)
rst_jpg_list = list()
if resolution_opt == 'none':
for jpg_file_name in file_list:
for jpg_file_name in resize_jpg_list:
if __name__ == '__main__':